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Befriend your cosmic Self - Week 1

Writer's picture: miha treemiha tree

We are just beginning the program of weekly gatherings in the Forest Sanctuary (The possibility to join the group in last minute is still open for the Week 2)

Here is one of the most straightforward questions, that I like to ask to the group at the beginning:

Why did you come here?

Since the place we are gathering in acts as a portal, it might need a while before people start attuning with the energy of the Forest Sanctuary. When it starts happening the answers tend to naturally elicit from within. The realisations might come in different forms; For some, it might be some sort of vision. Others might simply perceive a subtle feeling, or people might simply tune in with their inner knowing that might be difficult to put into words. Yet, for me it is truly about creating a field of resonance where people can connect with the energetic blueprint that is encoded in their Souls.

Welcome, dear traveler on the Earth-plane. 🤗
Welcome, dear traveler on the Earth-plane. 🤗

Discovering the nature of human existence

Beyond our daily activities, we all carry a sense of purpose & inquiry for our incarnation.

Since society has plastered many veils over this inner knowing, one might need to spend considerable amount of time before discovering answers to this question. In order to awaken a greater remembrance about the nature of your Soul’s existence, my passion comes in creating spaces and opportunities where people can start to connect with their inner knowing.

So let's explore the initial question of Why did you come here? in relation to the reality that we all share together. It might sound something like:

Finding yourself on planet Earth, being alive in the 21st century – what brought you here?
The beauty of Earth's kingdoms, the feeling of eating "heavenly food", human creativity,...
The beauty of Earth's kingdoms, the feeling of eating "heavenly food", human creativity,...

When I look at the common denominator within people that are attracted to our work and energies of Cosmic Embrace, I am usually speaking of Starseeds. In my view, those are the Souls that are awakening to the reality beyond human appearance, and resurrecting the memories of Cosmic Self, that exists within the multidimensional landscape.

Here you can check the video about Starseeds and their role on the planet:

Befriending your authentic Self

One of the main intricacies about the process of working with the memories/frequencies of your Cosmic Self is to interrelate with your human existence. One step is to become able to feel expansiveness in your meditation practice and eventually awaken dormant aspects within your DNA. However, when you truly start to perceive your daily life through higher-dimensional perspective, the real question is how can this be(come) part of your expression. How can your Soul gifts be applied in the environment you are living in, and eventually lived in your day-to-day life as the human being.

Flyer invitation for Slovenian group
Flyer invitation for Slovenian group

As we are going to discover more about the questions above through our Program, I wish to share some of the initial perspectives. It beautifully encapsulates the true nature of Star-seed awakening.

Here is what Hannah shares about the topic:

What are we here for?

What is the purpose of incarnated Star-souls on Earth? As I'm looking at a new analog kitchen scale I got as a gift for my birthday, I get a feeling. The holder of the bowl is missing in the package, a cross-shaped structure that connects the scale underneath to the upper part. It feels like a sign of Christ Consciousness I have to work with, but can speak to all star-seeded humans. If Heaven on Earth is truly to happen on the planet, enough of humanity has to awaken this seed of Innocence in their hearts. For me it again and again leads back to my own healing, grounding and embodying process, there is no way around it. It has been easy to get sidetracked, to believe there is something to be or create outside of myself or my own becoming—whether being a healing presence or creating an Ascension healing space for many. I am asked to trust that if these things truly want to sprout, they will pass by as a natural process of my embodying journey in their own divine timing. The feelings and visions are there, but it is the grounded connection to Earth that makes the timing for action clear. Luckily I have the privilege to now live more with the land and to be in the presence of some dear (higher dimensional) friends and beloved who remind me often of my true self, and to walk my path with humility (but not to shrink!). It took some time to understand the meaning of Innocence, and how deep I needed to go to remember some of this again as my—and our human—true nature. To see the beauty and divinity in my humanness, as something to descend into, not ascend out of. 🌸💗

Starseed awakening

Hannah has been part of the Program on multiple occasions since the beginning.

It is through her lucid awareness, that we are able to gain perspective about certain dynamics within the group. At the same time, some of her etheric friends, joined us during previous meetings and we were privileged to be held in the supportive field of Whale Consciousness.

Alchemical facilitation by Hannah 😋
Alchemical facilitation by Hannah 😋

For people joining our groups, the journey of discovering their authentic answers to these questions, has nearly begun. Although, I am certain that many have already been walking with the quest, either consciously or subconsciously, for long time.

We will be sharing a weekly snapshot of our journey and the Program also with the virtual entries on the blog. If you would like to take part, I invite you to write in the comments, and I would be happy to offer some reflections.

So for the end of week 1, I would like to leave you with the following question:

If you can perceive something like your purpose/mission of being here, how does it feel like to be in it?


And if you might still wish to join us for the Program in the Forest Sanctuary, please reach out. The possibility to join the group in last minute is still open for the Week 2 and it will be closed after.

Meeting time> Tuesday 04.03. morning 09.00 English group

afternoon 17.45 Slovenian group



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