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Evolutionary Pathway of Cosmic Embrace

Writer's picture: miha treemiha tree

Inner Dragon Awakening

In recent weeks, I've had numerous experiences of connecting with Dragons and reactivating some of those energies within my own template. Their energy also came strongly in the Forest Sanctuary at one of the first gatherings in our project Garden of Life. They have been faithful companions since - staying with us as the etheric guidance of our events in the framework of Cosmic Embrace.

"Dragon clouds" above the Forest Sanctuary

One of the main characteristics about their nature is that they keep interacting through the "No nonsense" approach. Or to put it in their words: Let's drop the bullshit and get real. It's time to get the Mission rolling.

What might the mission be all about?

Supporting evolutionary journey of Starseed awakening

When speaking about the notion of Starseed mission, I can not describe it better than the following clip from the movie:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

What if there is actually energy within You/us that is able to literally move mountains? How might your life be different, being aware of the source of that power within you?

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do.

Does it sound familiar? Hiding as the "name of the game"... As long as the courtesy spell locked most of humanity in the state of fearful survival, it might feel unsafe to authentically express your actual depths. Activating the multidimensionality of one's own Soul template is the antidote to being locked in the state of amnesia.

It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our Presence automatically liberates others.

But what if you can actually embody the awareness of the living Source within You? When approaching your human life in a state of reverence for the creation and radiance of your unique expression, you literally become a living pillar of Source energy. Be(com)ing a servant of the Starseed mission is the birth-right of every incarnated Soul on this planet.

Witnessing the beauty and wisdom of awakening (star)Souls

Since hosting smaller groups at our events in the Forest Sanctuary, I find myself in the state of awe, at numerous occasions. Just how much talent, beauty, innovative ideas and unfathomable depths people carry within themselves... And with that, I can almost notice the yearning in their energy field. A silent echo of the millennial, a spark of hope that it might eventually find its way to be seen/heard, after all. But how can one truly access the field of their Destiny, connect with the most guarded&sacred parts of their template and eventually bring them into fruition?

One thing that soon becomes clear as daylight, is intricate interconnectivity among awakening people. There might be different reasons for it:

Similar conditioning& patterns of societal behaviourism: one of the things that most sensitive people have in common is the need to close down their subtle sensory perceptions. It might happen at different stages of interacting with society (family, friends, school, job,...) where one simply has to close down part of their intuitive sensations in order to fit in with the environment.

Difficulties in incorporating signs of awakening into their daily life: another thing that modern society has become very good at, is pushing away or denying the nature of spiritual awakening. There is not much space for people and their Soulful expression, except if it might be part of some established mainstream system (music, art, school, religious/spiritual doctrines).

Karmic patterns of rejection, abuse, persecution: Especially when awakening to the gifts, that tend to serve in liberating people from the grid of the old/matrix Consciousness - people usually carry some challenging karmic imprints in their fields. For example, take the idea of "witchery" and how many Souls might experience some sort of "crucifixion" in their past lives.

Memories and shared energetic imprints of the collective Starseed mission: Beyond those various challenges, that are connected with the implementation of the Soulful activities, there is often a common thread in the awakening people. It is their interrelation with the movement of ascending Consciousness, a progressive shift towards higher-dimensional aspects of life, which acts as the binding element. That's where most people start to remember/tune into the feeling commonly described as "Soul family".

Affiliations among different star-being groups, etheric alliances, shared feeling of benevolence: We might all come in this life with our individual inquires, karmic patterns, unique Soulful explorations. However, this experience of Life on Earth is part of a way greater experiment/idea that can be simply described as the re-activation of the Heaven on Earth. And to recognise that we are not alone in this pursuit, but there are other people connected to their own set of cosmic frequencies in their similar mission ...That's when the feeling of being part of the greater Galactic family might become very real for awakening people.

In the following video you can check the impulse from our gatherings and see how we approach the intricate dynamic of a group coming together:

Echo of Lemurian times & Remembrance of the Paradise

Due to the memories carried within my own template, the explorations of Cosmic Embrace keep leading us to be discovering more about the connection to the state of (inner)Paradise, in the epoch of Lemuria. That's when we were living in the state of uninterrupted flow of higher-dimensional energies, and in complete interconnectivity with the environment and surrounding life. I like to describe it with the idea of stewarding the land. When the pristine environment of this planet resembled the living library of flora&fauna from all corners of the Cosmos, early humans served as the embodiment of that heavenly bridge.

Yet, things were simply different, back then. Since modern science denominates the notion of early humanoids with their description of Neanderthals, they were simply not living just the ordinary "cave-man" like experience. Since the absence of voice-box, the communication was predominantly in the state which would be considered as telepathy nowadays. And due to the un-interrupted flow of energy through planetary ley-lines, they could be mostly considered as "light eaters". That is reflected even in the modern days, as some people consider and step into the idea of "eating prana", sustaining themselves just with the pure energy from the environment. I do have a sense that even in the times of Lemuria, "light food" occasionally took a form of fruit or some sort of foraging food.

Yet, these kinds of memories are meant to serve us just as pointers towards the evolutionary Pathway of the Starseed mission. When the essence of that energy becomes active and embodied in our human lives, it might as well craft the Destiny of what human species were meant to become. And it is through the interplay of our own awakenings, that we can co-create a bright future ahead of us. For the planet & all the sentient Life residing here.

Visions of living in the New Paradigm of Earth

Some years ago, during the process of strong kundalini uprising, I tapped into a different visions of the process of planetary Shift in consciousness. In one of the visions, I was observing the process of cleansing (purification) on the surface of the planet, that resulted in an emerging network of islands of awakened consciousness all over the globe. It's something that can be described as "Ascension hubs", tangible places of higher-dimensional connection and way of living on this planet. Those little islands, that have endured the challenges of transitionary times, became the key energy centres of renewed life and the tangible expression of the crystalline grid of the Earth in the new epoch.

Experience of physical life transformed towards the immaculate idea of different “Soul tribes” living harmoniously with each other and the planet. It also felt like the Earth had become "no.1 destination" for hitchhikers in this Universe. Souls that would be chosen to have the opportunity for this experience, brought the awareness of profound sacredness.

In our recent gathering, we opened the space to hear more about different visions that are carried within awakening people. One of the participants started sharing with the notion that those dreams "might not sound realistic". Nevertheless, we heard some sort of living transmission about the "Garden of Life growing all over the planet". On top of that vision, others were just adding different elements to it. It's been heartwarming to hear how some people experience deeper connections with the animal kingdom, others with plants, and some that really carry a profound sense of belonging with the shared heart of humanity. Of course, we couldn't skip the radiance of particular cosmic frequencies and the presence of Elementals, beings that are deeply connected to the devic kingdom of Gaia's Consciousness.

Celebrating our Soul's journey with some homely food

Being in the position of hearing about those ideas and feeling the passion underneath it all, I wish to reflect something to all of the readers:

The dreams of your Soul truly matter and that's what can make a real difference to the evolution of Life here. Especially might you be one of those, carrying the feeling that it's simply "not realistic" to bring them into fruition, here on Earth. I know how difficult it might get when the journey that you've made at the level of your Soul is not seen. When the essence of your unique energy is seemingly pushed away, not finding any true recipients over the spawn of numerous lifetimes.

Yet, we live in times, when your ideas&energy are needed more than ever before. You might not be called to step on the world stage and share those ideas with everyone, even though it might happen for some. How about being open to simply bringing them alive within you, and step-by-step expressing them in your living environment? We've all came here for this, and now it is your time to shine.

And just one more reminder - don't share your passion and dreams with those that are not interested in hearing them. Simply stop wasting your precious energy and time with those that have chosen to close down and push away the true magic of being alive.

The Auroras following the Dragon awakening

When speaking about the visions and dreams that are carried deep within people, I can not go without mentioning The Auroras. Since our last gathering, I could palpably feel their energy "landing" in the Forest Sanctuary. In energetic terms, they can be seen as the Guardians, hosting our planet in the process of planetary ascension. Rather than some particular being, they are more like a wave-like form, a fluid field of energy enfolding our space-time continuum. On the greater scheme, they act towards universal recalibration, and in our reality we can see them as some sort of stabilisers of energy field during intense times of planetary transformation. When connected to the essence of their energy, I could almost feel as if they initiate a sense of restoration in me, enabling the state of remembrance of the "primordial human experience".

Due to their Guardian role, it feels like a gradual journey of gaining trust and being able to connect on a deeper level. Since their energy is way more of celestial nature, people might often question how they can make some tangible difference in our human lives. It is for that reason, that they might be able to interrelate with our journey, when we are able to "befriend our Dragon". Speaking in energetic terms, it looks to me that an aligned version of Dragon energies is able to usher the Pathway for Auroras to fully land on the ground.

The shade of northern lights, decribed as "Aurora"

So if the Auroras are here to establish the playground for the establishment of Paradise/Heaven on Earth, the assistance to implement those visions might come through embodied version of Dragon energies.

Join in with the movement of Cosmic Embrace

Our gatherings, here in the woods, are meant to awaken the feeling of mysticism or simply ordinary magic within You. That's one of the traits that is usually buried under lifetimes of indoctrination and distinctive human programming. Yet, it's the remanence of the ancient Lemurain epoch, an energy that is encoded in the essence of human DNA and can guide people to re-connect with their own divinity.

And as pointed towards in my writings, we are working with different energies that are here to support the evolutionary journey of human species. In the end, it's all about making it applicable for your own Path. And therefore illuminating the Pathway ahead, for all that are ready to step towards the embodiment of a new way of living in the New Paradigm.

Forest Sanctuary awaits!

The next opportunity to join us is the 3-day gathering at the end of September. If you want to be part of the journey and echoes of "Lemurian Homecoming", join us on the adventure:

And I would invite everyone that is eager to convey their own visions of (inner) Paradise or dreams carried within their Souls, to share them in the comment. Giving words/voice to our innermost desires will definitely assist in bringing them closer to reality. It might as well inspire someone else on a similar journey, and energetically connect you with everyone on the similar trajectory.

Dear Starseeds, let's keep getting our Mission rolling out on this beautiful planet.🌍

With loving respect for all that you are 🙏

miha 🌳

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